Taxes & Customs Clearance Charges!

The Chess Empire is providing you all the information regarding Taxes/ Import Charges or the Customs Clearance charges. We are offering free worldwide delivery only, in which shipping charges and Indian government taxes or any certification charges required in India are included only.

However we are not offering or selling our products which include any Taxes/ import charges or customs clearance charges of the customer’s country. The buyer or the importer will be responsible for any Taxes/ Import charges or the customs clearance charges of their country which will be charged by shipping companies directly to the customer.

The Taxes/ Import Charges or the Customs Clearance charges can be different as if you compare with any other countries. These charges are charged by customs clearing department of the country at the time of the package clearance through the customs processing. Some countries have exemption on Toy & Games and they do not charge but most of the countries are charging these taxes in the name of Taxes/ Import Charges or the customs clearance charges.

The Chess Empire is not involved in these taxes as these taxes are charged directly from the customers according to their countries terms of import charges and taxes with the help of shipping companies.

If you still have some more questions regarding the Taxes/ Import Charges or the Customs Clearance charges then you can contact us for more details.